Soltanğa Ataniyazov. Türkmen boylarının geçmişi, yayılışı, bugünkü durumu ve geleceği (1999)

Title:Türkmen boylarının geçmişi, yayılışı, bugünkü durumu ve geleceği=Past, present and future of Turkoman tribes and their spread
Author:Soltanğa Ataniyazov
Publisher:Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı
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Soltanğa Ataniyazov. Türkmen boylarının geçmişi, yayılışı, bugünkü durumu ve geleceği // Bilig: Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Sayı: 10. Yayıncı: Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı. — Yaz 1999, s. 1-32.


Most nations had divided into tribes and clans during the certain periods of their history. Dividing into tribes for some nomadic Turkish peoples, particularly the Kazak, Kyrgyz, Bashkir, Turkoman continued for a long period of time because of social and economical conditions.

Among these peoples Turcoman tribes were the subject of research in the works of some ancient scholarly personalities, such as Kaşgarlı Mahmut, Mübarek Şah, Reşideddin, Yazıcıoğlu, Salar Baba Marıdarı, Ebulgazi…Consequently knowledge about changes in life style of Turcoman tribes during different periods of time and brief information related to these Turcoman tribes, small and big could be found in some works the above-mentioned scholars. Also detailed information related to changes in Turcoman tribes after Mongol attacks, fleeing most of the population to neighbouring countries, forming of new tribes as Teke, Yomut, Göklen, Ersarı, Sarık, Sakar, Alili, Olam, Surhı…after combination of remaining Turcoman tribes with other ethnic groups are provided in these historical works, especially in those of Kaşgarlı Mahmut.

New Turcoman tribes originated from ancient Oğuz tribes are one of the sociological part of Turcoman nation. Old generations preserved traditions from old times. But nowadays the previous importance of keeeping these traditions is becomming more meaningless for new generations.

In recent years, the reasons of division into different tribes during the history have disappeared . Therefore it is impossible to face with this kind of division among Turcoman in 20th century. Whereas some dialectical differences, tools used in architectural and economical works, traditional wears, carpet weaving, cuisine culture, art of decoration have still been preserved as traditions by new generations.