The secret history of the Mongols. Shorter version (2015)

Title:The secret history of the Mongols: a Mongolian epic chronicle of the thirteenth century. Shorter version
Translator:Translated with a historical and philological commentary by Igor de Rachewiltz
Editor:John C. Street
Place:Madison, WI
Publisher:University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pages:XXIII, 268
File:PDF, 5.38 MB
Download:Click here

The secret history of the Mongols: a Mongolian epic chronicle of the thirteenth century. Shorter version. Translated with a historical and philological commentary by I. de Rachewiltz; Edited by John C. Street. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015, XXIII+268 p.

The Secret History of the Mongols: A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century is a shortened version of the three volumes of Igor de Rachewiltz’s similarly-titled work published by Brill in 2004 and 2013. It includes the full translation with a few notes, but omits the extensive introduction explaining the nature and origin of the text, the detailed commentary concerning linguistic and historical aspects of the text, and the exhaustive bibliography of the original. Included are the genealogical table and two maps from 2004, a shorter version of two indexes, and a very brief list of works cited.