Ethnographic map of Persia (after Houssay)

Original: 2.133 × 2.622 pixels, 0.422 MB (click here)
Description: Ethnographic map of Persia / Persiyanın etnoqrafik xəritəsi / Этнографическая карта Персии / Carte ethnographique de la Perse / Persia etnografik haritası / Ethnographische Karte von Persien / Mapa etnográfico da Pérsia / Mappa etnografica della Persia / Mapa etnográfico de Persia /
Additional description: ~
Original title: Ethnographic map of Persia (after Houssay)
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Date: 1887
Language: English
Source: Henry Field. Contributions to the anthropology of Iran. Publications of Field Museum of Natural History; Anthropological series: Volume 29, Nuber 1. Chicago: Field Museum Press, 1939, p. 65
Author: ~